In the classroom, students experience not only academic lessons, but life lessons as well. Life in the classroom should be kept up to the standards of what a home should be: A strong, solid foundation, and a trusting and safe learning enviornment where compassion and understanding are important factors. Unfortunatley, as teachers, we will sometimes have students that do not have this type of experience in their homes. I believe that it is our responsibility that in the classroom, every student feels safe and able to learn to their full ability. It is these students who in most cases need more of this kind of classroom lifestyle.
When students leave school, their home life has an effect on re teaching, or their ability to concentrate on homework. It is not a surprise to meet students who when they get home, are there by themselves for a few hours until mom and/or dad get home from work. What kind of effect does this have on a students academic goals at home? It has been proven that the more the parent or parents are involved, the more effective the lessons are on students. Re teaching at home is a way to involve parents in what their child is learning at school.
I believe it is important for teachers to foster a sense of security, trust, open-ness, and love into their classroom and school. Students should feel comfortable enough to express themselves creatively, and to share certain parts of themselves with their teachers and peers. Students should also feel confident in giving responses to teacher proposed questions and to questions that their classmates also raise.